The homeless youth of American (and for that matter, all the homeless of America) won't be sitting down for dinner with family and friends. They'll be alone out there hungry for a good meal. Perhaps some will find a warm place to have a meal. And yet, so many will go without even a hug, never mind food or presents.
They need someone to say - "You don't need to be out here. You can have a life away from the streets. There are people who care about you. Your breath, your life is precious."
182 kids will die in the next 14 days across America. Think about that number.
So many people say they don't have time to volunteer. They have families, they have kids, they have jobs. Well, so do most of our volunteers. Sure, some are in college (madly studying for exams), while others are raising kids of their own the best way they know how. And yet, they take time away from their week to find and help the youth of our community. And those youth appreciate just the hellos they get.
How do we know this? Just recently, a kid we met only once approached us to let us know they had a job and a place to stay.
You don't have to join a street outreach counselor. Street outreach is a difficult commitment. It can be overwhelming at times. But you do have plenty of options if you choose to join our program. Or host a fundraiser, awareness event, or donation drive. Dedicate a few hours of your year or a few hours of your month to a good cause.
Consider what it would feel like to save a kid? Contact us at to join now.
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