As you sit to have dinner today, please keep the homeless youth of America in your minds and hearts. These kids are out there right now, possibly without food and without a warm place to stay. They need our help to ensure they do not end up another statistic. 13 kids should not die on the street everyday. They not only need our donations - food, clothes, etc. They need someone to care about them out there. Someone to provide them with their options other than living on the streets.
There are so many ways you can help. Talk about the reality of youth homelessness at your dinner tables during the holidays. Sponsor a donation drive for our program. Join our terrific team of volunteers. If you are in a city outside of Worcester, join a local program or start one where one does not exist.
Just think of the number of kids out there that will die without our help everyday. One kid is too many.
And for those with youth in your household today, give your kid a big hug and thank him or her for each amazing moment he or she has brought into your life.
May your day be full of joy and happiness!
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